育儿知识大全 英语词典内容页


2023-09-14 英语词典


美式发音: [ˈɡeɪb(ə)l] 英式发音: ['ɡeɪb(ə)l]





1.三角墙;山墙the upper part of the end wall of a building, between the two sloping sides of the roof, that is shaped like a triangle


n.1.the top part of a wall of a building just below the roof, that is shaped like a triangle

1.山墙 FAST fire and smoke transport [消]火和烟的迁移 gable 三角墙,山墙 gabled roof 人字屋顶 ...

2.山形墙 FAST fire and smoke transport [消]火和烟的迁移 gable 三角墙,山墙 gabled roof 人字屋顶 ...

4.山形齿沟底面 Lubricity 润滑性 Gable 山形齿沟底面 Gear 齿轮 ...

5.盖博的国际娱乐场所,其中多数都在这里买了度假的寓所,象盖博Gable)、嘉宝(Garbo)、切赫·班尼(Jack Benny)、马克 …


7.山型屋顶方尺(约3,091坪)的4层楼房,地上3层和地下室。除了供奉释迦牟尼佛像外,还有僧侣的精舍、禅堂、活动中心、中庭广场 …


1.With just a few exceptions, only the gable ends are glazed, and the structural volumes seem to have been shaped with an extrusion press.这些模块房子只有山墙面是采光的,侧墙外观效果则像是机械冲床挤压而成的。

2.A seemingly hug-gable creature with big brown eyes and fluffy fur could be a deadly killing machine in disguise.一个看似让人想去拥抱的动物,有着大大的棕色眼睛和松软毛茸茸的毛皮,可能是个伪装的致命杀人机器。

3.A roof with two slopes that form a triangle at each end is called a gable roof .有两个斜面的屋顶在两端各成一个三角形,称为山形墙屋顶。

4.This article mainly focuses on the control system modification & improvement to the in-feeder in an automatic gable top carton filler.本文主要研究全自动屋顶包饮品纸盒灌装机进盒机构的控制系统改进问题。

5.The principle of realizing aseptic packaging of liquid food with gable-box machine and the key issues needed to be solved were introduced.论述了在屋顶型包装机上实现液态食品的无菌包装的主要机理,以及需要解决的技术关键;

6.In 1999, the American Film Institute named Gable seventh among the greatest male stars of all time.1999年,美国电影协会第七次将盖博称为史上最伟大的男影星之一。

7.This paper gives researches and analyses on the tapered members which are widely used in gable portal frame.本文对山形门架中常用的构件—楔形变截面构件进行了研究和分析。

8.Other innovative developments including spout fitments for gable top juice containers and hot fill closures for isotonic drinks.其它的创新开发包括人字形果汁容器喷嘴及等渗饮料热灌装瓶盖。

9.Women swooned at his masculine screen presence and men, well Gable was a man's man.女人们沉迷于他在银幕上塑造的不同男性形象,盖博-男中子骄子。

10.The window was high in the gable, its top corners almost reaching the roof which stopped down on either side.窗户在高高的山墙上,它的顶端几乎碰到向两边斜下来的屋顶上。
